24/25 Mixed Pair Championship Moved to Sunday 6th October, 2024
The 24/25 Mixed Pairs Club Championship has been moved to Sunday 6.10.24, commencing at 9.30 am.
[Note: Sunday 6.10.24 is the first day of Daylight Saving].
The Mixed Pairs Club Championship is a one day event with all rounds and the Final being played on the .10.24.
Each Pair must have one Female and One Male.
The Format and Number of Games depend on the number of entries. A minimum of 8 entries is required for the event to proceed.
Entries for the Event close on Thursday 3.10.24.
To enter, please write your name on the Entry Sheet that is located on a Notice Board in the back right hand corner of the Clubhouse. The Entry Sheet will be on the Notice Board tomorrow, 18.9.24.
The Event is open to Full Members and New Members (as they have Full Member rights).
Entry Fee is $5 per bowler ($10 per team).
Small envelopes for Entry Fees are available near the Entry Sheet.
There is a Club Championship Locked Box in which to place the Entry Fee Envelopes. This is also located near the Entry List.
Uniform is to be worn.